"Great Dreams of great dreamers are always Transcended"

                                                                                                  Dr.A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

About Us : 

          Nanoshristi is a Young and Dynamic Student Cell of NIT Kurukshetra. It is Dedicated to the Field of Nanotechnology Research and activities in NIT Kurukshetra .This cell is Maintained by the Current Students of Nanotechnology.

         The main activities of the Cell is about the Research and Development programs Organised by the department in Nanotechnology Field.

 About Nanotechnology: 

            Nanotechnology - the engineering and manipulating of atoms at the nanoscale to create novel materials, systems, and machines, is heralded as the industrial revolution of the 21st century, and it's implication would likely to be seen in various fields.Although it is still in its infancy, it has already excited scientists across the world, promising us a bright brilliant future.

Memories of Some Past Activities of 2012-13 :

News Room STC 2013:

2) Pictures Album of the STC 2013 is  Available at the link :NEW      

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                                       Maintained By : Prativendra Singh

Nanoparticles Patterning Using 

Laser-Based Deposition

"Pulsed Laser Vaporization"

"Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance"

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